Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Season of Discovery

I can hardly believe I have been here for a month already. The time has gone by so quickly. My days are quickly filled with reading for hours, walking for miles (but actually), occasionally attending debates, lectures, and so forth, rowing practice and exploring the city. Since I've neglected my blog and have left you all in the dark for so long, I will show you some of the highlights of this month rather than explaining all the nitty, gritty details.

                                             My wonderful flat mates in front of our home.

St. Frideswide Church, where I attend Sunday mornings

     Oxford is a University that consists of several colleges. I am a part of Hertford College, where I have access to the library, can dine in college, and participate in social functions (including rowing). The three pictures above are from around the courtyard of Hertford College.

Hertford College Chapel

In case you haven't already picked up on it, I have joined the Hertford College rowing team. In this picture is the Thames, where all of the colleges row. It's about a ten minute walk down this beautiful path to get to the boathouse where we have practice every day.

A typical day in the Bodlian Library complete with my favorite seat and the book my primary tutorial is based around.

The Oxford Union hosts speakers throughout the week and debates every Thursday night. Last week, Sir Patrick Stewart (from Star Trek), UN Ambassador John Bolton, and Julian Assange via Skype (WikiLeaks founder) all spoke at the union. Weekly debates have centered around gay rights, the American dream, and tonight Israel being a force of good. Depicted is UN ambassador John Bolton.

Although it's beginning to warm up already, it snowed for a couple of days last week. Living in California all my life, I've never really experienced fresh snow and the joy of unique, intricate, little snowflakes falling on me as I walk into town. Definitely something I enjoy.

Yesterday, a friend and I had some time to kill, so we went up to St. Mary's tower, overlooking Oxford.  Above you can begin to get a sense of the exquisite view. Time and time again, I am blown away by all this city has to offer. This last month hasn't been easy by any means, but I am enjoying ever moment of it. I'm being stretched in ways I never would have imagined. My worldview is being broadened, and I'm wrestling with issues that I haven't quite figured out. Every day, my mind is challenged to the point of exhaustion, and the more I learn, the more I realize that I really don't know anything at all. It's in this season that I get to figure out for myself who I am, who God is, how the world works, and what my role in it might be. 

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